The Analyst Problem

Sakina is seen as lacking empathy with her staff. Her staff feel that as she is a female, she shouldn’t be like this and needs to be empathetic, forgiving, and shouldn’t be too opinionated.

Although she has excellent critical thinking skills which makes her great at solving problems and enables her to generate excellent outcomes for the company, others think it doesn’t suit her as a female.

This becomes very demotivating for Sakina and sometimes she tries to change who she is to meet the expectations of others. She feels misunderstood and doesn’t comprehend why people just don’t see things from her perspective.

The Analyst Personality

Problem solver

Values knowledge








Sakina is an excellent and competent CEO with lots of knowledge and expertise. She has great problem-solving skills, but comes across as very critical, very opinionated and lacking emotions towards her employees. She is very focussed on outcomes and challenges her employees at times.

Sahabah Match

This personality matches with the Sahabah: Umm Salamah and A’li Bin Abi Talib (Radiallahu A’anhum), known for having exceptional problem-solving skills, being very independent and innovative.

The Solution

Seeing this personality as problematic and not respecting their creativity or dismissing their opinions is damaging for them. It suppresses their great skills that they hold like the above Sahabah.

Impact on Life

Once this personality is nurtured correctly through giving value to their problem-solving skills and their critical thinking, as well as respecting their opinions, this personality excels in their roles and they make great consultants, solving complex problems and ensuring justice in implemented.

Role of a Sahabah match (umm Salamah Radiallahu A’anha) in serving Islam

After the truce of Hudaybiyah, many Muslims felt it was unfair because the Quraysh seemed to get their way and Muslims had to return back and were not allowed to visit the Ka'bah. Muslims were very upset and for the first time, they didn't agree with what the Prophet wanted them to do. For the first time ever, the Prophet ﷺ found himself in a situation where those most beloved to him, the earliest of Muslims and the most dedicated to Islam, were refusing to follow his command.

Umm Salamah (Radiallahu A’anha) was a great problem-solver and the Prophet Muhammad consulted her in the Battle of Hudaybiah due to this excellent skill she has.

Umm Salamah was with the Prophet on this trip; Prophet Muhammad ﷺ told her what happened.  Salamah immediately knew how to solve this deeply troubling dilemma; she advised her husband, the Messenger of Allah by saying: “Sacrifice your animal and shave your head,
and you will find that they will obey.” After the Prophet cut his hair, the companions eagerly complied with the order of the Prophet ﷺ.


The Artisan


The Idealist