The Guardian Problem

Fatima was seen as problematic. She was seen as controlling and wanting things her way.

When in reality Fatima has a natural instinct and need to feel responsible
for closed ones, to protect them, to nurture them and wanted to feel a sense
of belonging towards her family.

The Guardian Personality


Sense of belonging








As part of Fatima’s personality, a 14-year-old child, she likes to take some form of responsibility, and to have a sense of belonging. She is also a very nurturing personality and likes to take care of those around her and protect them.

Fatima wanted to help her younger step-siblings with their homework and to take care of them by having a form of responsibility towards them. She also didn’t like it when her step dad tells her step siblings off when they did things that he saw
as wrong. She defended her siblings and forcefully tried to have a responsibility towards them when her parents didn’t allow her to do so.

Sahabah Match

This personality is a match with Sahabah like Abu Bakr, Umar Bin Al Khattab and Hafsa Bint Umar (Radiallahu A’anhum).

Both Abu Bakr and Umar Bin Al Khattab (Radiallahu A’anhum) were great Califs (rulers). They both had high levels of responsibility and excellent management skills, amongst other traits, that contributed to making them great rulers.

The Solution

To nurture such personality the way Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم did, instead of taking the responsibility away from Fatima, her family could allocate her tasks to do, such as checking what shopping is missing from the house on weekly basis, taking care of her siblings’ h/w on daily basis, or feeding the cat every day.

Impact on Life

This enables Fatima to fulfil a need Allah Has created her with, which is to have a sense of belonging, to nurture and to take responsibility of others. This also enables Fatima to show up as the best version of herself, instead of forcefully demanding this need and being seen as controlling and problematic. This enables her to be like the great Sahabah Abu Bakr, Umar Bin Al Khattab and Hafsa Bint Umar (Radiallahu A’anhum).

Role of a Sahabah match (Hafsa Radiallahu A’anha) in serving Islam

By the end of the second Khilafah, Umar (Radiallahu A’anh) gave the compiled copy of the Holy Qur’an to his daughter, Hafsah. She kept it safe until she passed away. During the time of Uthman (Radiallahu A’anh), many copies were made from her copy and shared with Muslims all over the world.

During Prophet Muhammad’s صلى الله عليه وسلم lifetime, He used to entrust His wife and one of the mothers of the believers, Hafsa (Radiallahu A’anha), with the parchments on which the Holy Qur’an was inscribed for safekeeping. After the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم passed away, many Muslims who knew the Holy Qur’an by heart died in the Battle of Yamama. So, Abu Bakr asked Zaid bin Thabit (Radiallahu A’anhum) to collect all the pieces of the Qur’an and put them together in one book. Hafsa (Radiallahu A’anha) was also consulted in the matter.

By nurturing Fatima’s personality from a young age, this can help her to become like Hafsah Bint Umar (Radiallahu A’anha) and use her great personality to serve her religion and to uplift the Ummah.


The Artisan